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Your Next Step...

Download the Tour Read™ Golf app:

The patent pending Tour Read™ Golf app requires a paid subscription that  costs US$99.99/year (local currency may vary).

For a limited time, you can try it FREE for 1 week. The trial includes everything you need to learn and practice the Tour Read™ Green Reading Method. If you don’t like, it, simply cancel the subscription through the Apple Store.

Try it at FREE for 7 days from the Apple App Store

(Android – Coming Soon)

Learn More...

The Tour Read™ System is an easy to use and precise green reading method and app proven to immediately lower the scores of players at all levels, including Tour pros, top amateurs, weekend golfers and beginners.

The Tour Read™ System Green Reading Method is a scientific, step-by-step approach to green reading, without any voodoo, that you can teach to players of all abilities. Golfers get accurate reads quickly, consistently, and repeatably, even while under the pressures of competition at the highest levels (or when playing for a few bucks with your buddies).

At the heart of the system is the patent-pending Tour Read™ Golf app which helps students learn and practice the Tour Read green reading method.

If you share our passion for helping golfers of all abilities improve, you’ll love what the Tour Read Golf Certification Program can do for you. Best of all, your students will love you for showing them something that will improve their games and lower their handicaps almost immediately.

Everyone is winning with the Tour Read™ System...

Get Certified to Teach the Tour Read™ System...

If you share our passion for helping golfers of all abilities improve, you’ll love what the Tour Read Golf Certification Program can do for you. Best of all, your students will love you for showing them something that will improve their games and lower their handicaps almost immediately.

It’s easy to add an in-demand, easy-to-teach revenue stream to your teaching programs!

Tour Read™ Golf Certification Program