Listen to Claude Harmon and Ralph Bauer talk about everything putting including the success of the Tour Read™ Golf app which was tested and used by RBC Canadian Open winner Nick Taylor. Ralph discusses the important aspects of reading greens, why visualization is so important and how it’s imperative to see the ball go in the hole prior to your putt.
Claude Harmon on the Tour Read™ Golf app:
“I think the app is fantastic. I helped beta test it. If you want to get better and if you want to improve, one of the easiest low hanging fruits is to learn how to read greens better. If you’re struggling with green reading you’re going to love this one.”
“Green reading is a life lesson that you can learn that will help you throughout the course of your golfing career. I’ve tried it. My guys at my academy in Dubai love it. We’re having all of our Juniors do it. We use the app and we have the player read the putt first. How far is this distance? How much does it break? Then we use the app to measure the putt. We don’t even hit the putts.”
“Go check out the app. It will definitely help you read greens better. If you struggle with green reading. If you aren’t making the putts that you think you should be making. The app will help you improve. Green reading is a skill that you can practice and if you work with this, it will help lower your scores.”
Highlights from the podcast
6:00: Why do golfers struggle so much with green reading?
10:50: How the Tour Read greening app has helped pros on the PGA Tour and how it can help every golfer.
14:00: Why do we all tend to underread our putts?
16:40: How can I accurately determine the length of my putts?
22:15: How do you match speed with the line? Brooks vs. D.J.
30:00: How grain will affect your putts (“Grain for dummies”)
33:00: How to work on distance control
36:00: Linear vs. Non-Linear putters
39:50: Touch, speed control and Ben Crenshaw
44:05: Drills for practicing speed control
56:00: Adjusting to different green speeds
1:00:00: How Claude uses the app with his juniors and students to build trust